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Fig. 9 | Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications

Fig. 9

From: Spatial localization of hotspots in Fano-resonant plasmonic oligomers for surface-enhanced coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering

Fig. 9

a Schematic design of the asymmetric heptamer with a1 = 40 nm, a2 = 60 nm, a3 = 80 nm, d1 = 5 nm, d2 = 20 nm, d3 = 15 nm, d4 = 10 nm, d5 = 25 nm d6 = 6 nm, d7 = 12 nm and h = 40 nm. The black arrow on the top presents the polarization of the excitation and the black dotted line at the middle of the heptamer shows the symmetry line; b Simulated scattering profile of the asymmetric heptamer. The magenta and red dotted (vertical) lines indicate the spectral position of the Fano dips at 835 nm and at 1160 nm, respectively; c and d NFE maps computed at a plane 1 nm above the top surface of the asymmetric heptamer at the Fano dips

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